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发布时间:2020-05-20 15:13:49   点击:0次 来源:http://www.jiuxingkuaiji.com

  Linyi is a registered sole proprietorship company, that is, an enterprise invested and operated by an individual, owned and controlled by an individual, which bears the operational risks and enjoys all the operational benefits. Natural person enterprise. The oldest and simplest form of business organization for a sole proprietorship business license. It is mainly popular in the retail industry, handicraft industry, agriculture, forestry, fishery, service industry and family workshops. Today, Linyi company registration editor wants to tell you: the process and conditions of registering a sole proprietorship company.
  The difference between sole proprietorship and one person limited company
  一人(一个人或一个公司出资)是有限责任公司 ;个人是非责任有限公司(自然人出资)
  A person (a person or a company) is a limited liability company; an individual is not a limited liability company (a natural person's contribution)
  1. One person limited company is an enterprise legal person, and sole proprietorship is a non enterprise legal person
  2、一人有限公 司有注册资本规定,个人独资企业无出资额规定
  2. One person limited company has provisions on registered capital and sole proprietorship has no provisions on the amount of capital contribution
  3. One person limited company is responsible for limited liability (limited to the amount of capital contribution), and sole proprietorship enterprise is responsible for unlimited liability (personal property binding)
  4、一人有限公司盈 利要缴纳企业所得税,老板分红要缴纳个人所得税,个人独资企业只缴纳个人所得税。
  4. One person limited company profits to pay corporate income tax, boss dividends to pay personal income tax, sole proprietorship only pay personal income tax.
  Advantages of Linyi registered company
  Sole proprietorship is the most original and classical form of enterprise system, and also the main form of enterprise organization of private enterprises. Its main advantages are:
  1) The ownership, control, management and income rights of enterprise assets are highly unified. This is conducive to keeping secrets related to the operation and development of enterprises, and to promoting the entrepreneurial spirit of the owners.
  2)企业业主自负盈亏和对企业的债务负无限责任成为了强硬的预算约束。企业经营好坏同业主个人的经济利益乃身家性命紧密相连,因而,业主会尽心竭力地把企 业经营好。
  2) It has become a tough budget constraint for business owners to be responsible for their own profits and losses and unlimited liability for their debts. The quality of enterprise management is closely related to the economic interests and even the life of the owner. Therefore, the owner will try his best to manage the enterprise well.
  3) The external laws and regulations of an enterprise have little restriction on its management, decision-making, entry and exit, establishment and bankruptcy.
  Conditions for registration of Linyi sole proprietorship enterprise
  1、 身份证明:申请人应提供本人身份证。
  1. Identity certificate: the applicant shall provide his own identity card.
  2、 职业状况证明:
  2. Proof of professional status:
  (1) Certificate of unemployment or layoff (original)
  (2) Retirement Certificate (original)
  (3) Certificate of resignations and suspension of salary (original)
  (4) Certificate of villagers' Committee (original)
  (5) Certification of other personnel allowed by laws and regulations
  (6) Personal bank U shield
  Process of Linyi registered sole proprietorship enterprise
  (1) Application for registration of establishment of sole proprietorship enterprise signed by the investor
  (2) Enterprise name pre approval notice
  (3) Original and copy of applicant's ID card
  (4) Letter of commitment for professional status
  5. Certificate of residence of the enterprise: house rental agreement (the term of the agreement must be more than one year), certificate of property right
  6. The examination and approval documents of relevant departments shall be submitted for engaging in the industry or business scope specified by the state.
  The above is the relevant content introduced by Linyi company registration editor. To learn more, please visit the website: http://www.jiuxingkuaiji.com