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发布时间:2020-08-28 18:30:51   点击:0次 来源:http://www.jiuxingkuaiji.com

1、 Process of changing enterprise legal person:
1. 工商局领取企业变更登记申请书、指定委托书及一次性告知单
1. The Administration for Industry and Commerce receives the application form of enterprise change registration, the letter of authorization and the one-time notification form
2. 按要求准备相关材料
2. Prepare relevant materials as required
3. 向工商局提交材料,待工商局受理
3. Submit materials to the Administration for Industry and Commerce for acceptance
4. 领取新的营业执照
4. Get a new business license
5. 办理税务登记证变更
5. Change of tax registration certificate
2、 Specific steps of changing enterprise legal person
After the integration of the three certificates, the change of enterprise legal person will be more simple. If only the legal person is changed and the equity remains unchanged, you only need to bring the change application, the resolution of the shareholders' meeting, the copy of the ID card of the new shareholder, the official seal, the original copy of the business license, the power of attorney, the original and copy of the ID card of the class members to the industrial and commercial bureau for handling the change. After the industrial and commercial bureau completes the acceptance, it will bring the whole Set of information to the bank to handle the change of the permit to open an account, change the reserved seal.
What are the steps to change the legal person?
3、 How to choose a professional agency
1.  看资质、证件
1. Look at qualifications and certificates
It's more professional and fast to choose an agency, but we must choose a professional and standardized agency.
2. 了解行业口碑
2. Understand the industry reputation
To choose an agent company, you need to know the industry experience and word-of-mouth of the agency company. Generally, the agency company with good reputation will have certain guarantee on the service quality, which can reduce unnecessary trouble.
3. 收费透明
3. Transparent charge
Different agency companies have different charging standards. When choosing an agency, you can make more comparisons and choose a company with high cost performance. When choosing an agent company, you should understand the charging standard clearly. If there are hidden charging items, you can sign contract details.