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发布时间:2020-09-18 17:35:28   点击:0次 来源:http://www.jiuxingkuaiji.com

1、 Is the registered company address inconsistent with the office address
Under normal circumstances, when the commercial and residential dual-purpose housing can not register a company, and do not want to spend a high rent to rent office buildings, what to do? Usually, the recommended method is to use the virtual address to register the company, and the virtual address means that the registered address of the company is inconsistent with the office address. The so-called virtual address refers to the address that can only be used for registration, but can not be used for actual door-to-door office. Generally, this kind of address is in the centralized office area approved by the industrial and commercial bureau. Using this kind of virtual address not only saves the company's cost, but also complies with the law.
2、 New companies, even if they are not operating, need to prepare statements and pay taxes
申报公司自领取营业执照,在次月开始就得进行纳税申报,就算是没有发生任何业务,也要报税,没有发生经营业务或是收入少的可以进行零申报申请,但是 一定要按时纳税
The reporting company will have to file a tax return in the next month after receiving the business license. Even if there is no business, it has to declare tax. If there is no business or the income is small, it can apply for zero declaration, but it must pay taxes on time
If the tax return is not submitted within the time limit of 2000 or above, the taxpayer shall be ordered to make corrections according to the tax withholding authority within the time limit of 2000 or above, which is not related to the tax withholding authority.
3、 Currency is not the only way to make capital contribution when a company is registered
The way of capital contribution of registered company refers to the form of capital registration for company or enterprise. In addition to currency, non currency such as physical objects, real estate, land use rights, patented non patented technology, copyright, trademark right, etc., as well as debt to equity swap, equity of established companies can be used as capital contribution (equity replacement).
4、 The larger the registered capital is, the better. It needs to be roughly matched with the company's business scale
The registered capital refers to the total amount of capital contribution or share capital subscribed by all shareholders or promoters as stipulated in the articles of association of the company system, and is registered in the company registration authority according to law. At present, "capital" has been changed to "subscription registration system". This means that enterprises can go to the industrial and commercial bureau to independently determine a sum of money and determine the time. Just make up your subscription at the time of confirmation.
The registered capital actually deposited by shareholders, that is, the "paid in capital" in accounting, is no longer an industrial and commercial registration item, nor does it need a capital verification report. There is no time limit for the paid in registered capital. If you have to add a time limit to this commitment, you can not exceed the operating period of the company. There is no minimum amount of registered capital, that is to say, "one dollar company" can exist in theory, and there is no limit on the maximum amount.
The amount of capital contribution subscribed by the company is one of the conditions for the establishment of the company. The registered capital is not higher than the better, which should roughly match the business scale of the enterprise. The adverse effects of excessive registered capital are as follows:
1. If the registered capital of the company is too large and the capital contribution is not in place, it is the shareholder's obligation to make capital contribution to the establishment of the company, and the shareholder who has made other capital contribution may be liable for breach of contract
2. It is not conducive to the introduction of new shareholders, and the tax burden of equity transfer will be relatively high
3. The company's capital reduction procedures are cumbersome
4. If the capital is not contributed in place, it may affect the distribution of dividends. The shareholders shall receive dividends according to the proportion of their paid in capital contribution; when the company increases its capital, the shareholders shall have the priority to subscribe for the capital contribution in accordance with the proportion of the paid in capital contribution. However, all shareholders of the company agree not to distribute dividends in accordance with the proportion of capital contribution, or do not give priority to subscription of capital contribution in accordance with the proportion of capital contribution.