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发布时间:2019-04-26 18:29:54   点击:0次 来源:http://www.jiuxingkuaiji.com

一、私营企业开业注销,私营企业筹备工作就绪后,按照国度法律、法规向注销主管机关申请在某一行业从事消费、运营活动,办理正式的停业注销。其开业注销程序为:先在工商行政管理机关咨询,就人员、运营范围、注销主管机关等获得初步意见。再领取、填写企业称号预先核准书,办理企业称号预先核准手续。其次,向注销主管机关提交股东身份证明、拜托书等必需的文件、证明。注销主管机关受理后停止检查、核准,10日内作出核准或驳回的决议。 由于私营企业开业注销手续较为冗杂,故应提交的文件也比拟多。包括:
1. After the cancellation of the operation of a private enterprise, when the preparatory work of the private enterprise is ready, it shall apply to the cancellation authority for consumption and operation activities in a certain industry in accordance with the laws and regulations of the state, and handle the formal cancellation of the business. Its cancellation procedures are: first consulting with the administrative authorities for Industry and commerce, obtaining preliminary opinions on personnel, scope of operation, cancellation authorities, etc. Receive and fill in the pre-approval form for the enterprise title, and go through the pre-approval formalities for the enterprise title. Secondly, the necessary documents and certificates such as shareholder identity certificate and petition are submitted to the cancellation authority. After acceptance of the cancellation, the competent authority shall stop checking and approving, and within 10 days make a resolution of approval or rejection. As the procedures for cancellation of business start-up of private enterprises are rather complicated, more documents should be submitted. Include:
(1) The identity certificate of the applicant. The applicant for a sole proprietorship enterprise is the investor himself, and the applicant for a partnership enterprise refers to the appointee recommended by the partners.
(2) Personnel applying for the establishment of a private enterprise must issue a resident identity card and submit the following documents according to their own conditions: urban unemployed persons should submit an unemployment certificate; individual industrial and commercial households should submit a suspension license; resignation and on-the-job personnel should submit the resignation and on-the-job certificate issued by the original unit; retirees should submit retirement and retirement certificates; scientific and technological personnel with suspended salaries should submit a suspension of salary. Retention agreement and qualification certificate; other persons who conform to the rules of the national and provincial people's governments shall submit relevant certificates in accordance with the rules. Villagers in rural areas who do not receive resident identity cards should submit household registration certificates.
3) Certificate of site use includes: property certificate should be submitted for private housing; lease contract for rental housing and site should be submitted for rental housing, relevant real estate certificate and certificate of consent of management department; approval document of land management department should be submitted for land use.
(4) Certificate of capital verification.
(5) Notice of Pre-approval of Enterprise Titles.
(6) The articles of association of the company and the working documents of the chairman, directors and supervisors shall be submitted.
(7) To establish a partnership, a written agreement of the partners shall be submitted. The partnership agreement shall specify the following matters: the title of the partnership and the location of the main operating site; the purpose of the partnership and the scope of operation of the partnership; the name and domicile of the partners, the mode and amount of the partners'contribution and the time limit for the payment of the funds; the method of profit distribution and loss sharing; the execution of the partnership affairs; the obligation to dissolve and liquidate the partnership, etc. The partnership agreement may specify the duration of operation of the partnership and the method for handling the disputes between partners. The partnership agreement shall enter into force after all the partners have signed and sealed it.
2. The bank account opener deposits all the funds in the Bank of his choice and opens a bank account.
1. Processing Legal Person Code Certificate
According to the needs of modern management and safeguarding the rights of enterprise legal persons, operators should also go to the local technical surveillance department or relevant departments to deal with the Legal Person Code Certificate. When applying for the certificate of organization code, the enterprise shall submit the shutdown heat photo issued by the industrial and commercial department and carry the official seal of the unit.
2. Identity Cards of Legal Person Representatives (Actors) and Managers
3. Code Certificate or Copy of Superior Authority
4. Processing tax cancellation at the tax bureau. (1) Individual license-holders carry their original identity cards, collect and fill in the Individual Tax Cancellation Form at the tax bureau, attach the original copy of the industrial and commercial license, and go through the tax cancellation formalities at the "tax cancellation" window. (2) Enterprise license-holders carry copies of the suspension license and the national unified code certificate, legal person certificate and enterprise seal to the central tax bureau. Fill in the Enterprise Tax Cancellation Form and get the computer code and the account number of the tax collection account. Then take the "Enterprise Tax Revocation Form" and the above subordinate materials to the Municipal Bureau Certification Office for tax cancellation formalities.
5. Go to the health and epidemic prevention station for hygiene permit (1) Organize employees to stop physical examination at the local health and epidemic prevention department in order to handle personal health certificate (2) Enterprises apply to the health and epidemic prevention department for hygiene permit.
6. Processing toll acceptance certificate at the price department
7. After the above formalities have been completed, it indicates that the approval of the functional departments required by an enterprise has been completed. It can go to the Industrial and Commercial Administration Bureau of the district to handle the "Individual Business Households'Application for Enterprise Cancellation Form" and prepare to start business at a selected date.