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发布时间:2019-05-20 14:25:58   点击:0次 来源:http://www.jiuxingkuaiji.com

「1」 公司成立之后不论你有没有开端运营,你需求开端实行“征税申报”义务。
"1" After the establishment of the company, whether you have started to operate or not, you need to start to implement the "tax declaration" obligation.
「2」 所设账本不是你本人记的流水账,而是契合请求的会计账簿,并附上契合规则的凭证。需求的会计人员来做,所以不少中小企业在请不起会计的状况下,选择代理记账公司。
"2" The book is not a running account written by you, but an account book that meets the requirements and is accompanied by vouchers that conform to the rules. Demand professional accountants to do, so many small and medium-sized enterprises can not afford to hire accounting, the choice of agent bookkeeping company.
「3」 记账和报税是两件事,但互相关联。公司要依据税局给你核定的税种在规则的期限内停止“申报”。而报税和缴税也是两码事,报了税不一定要缴税款。
"3" Accounting and tax returns are two things, but they are interrelated. The company shall stop "declaring" within the time limit of the rules according to the tax categories approved by the tax bureau for you. Tax filing and tax payment are two different things. Tax filing does not necessarily require tax payment.
「4」 即便是没有运营也没有开票的公司,也得报税,这时能够选择“零申报”。但是长期零申报会被归入“风险监控”。而且6个月不运营,工商局那边也会撤消你的停业执照。
"4" Even if there is no operation and no Invoicing company, they have to declare taxes, and then they can choose "zero declaration". But long-term zero declaration will be classified as "risk monitoring". And if you don't operate for six months, your suspension license will be revoked from the industrial and commercial bureau.
「5」 不是只要“零申报”才不用缴税,如上文所言,季销售额在9万元以内的,都暂免缴增值税,但前提是你要记账,你得去申报。
"5" It is not only "zero declaration" that tax is not required. As mentioned above, VAT is temporarily exempted if quarterly sales are less than 90,000 yuan, but only if you want to keep an account, you have to declare.
「6」 一个公司触及的税种不只要一种,常见的有增值税、企业所得税、印花税等。特别是企业所得税,每年5月底有一次“汇算清缴”,这既是企业计算上一年有没有盈利的重要过程,也是税务局稽查的。
"6" There is more than one kind of tax that a company touches on. Common ones are VAT, enterprise income tax, stamp tax, etc. Especially enterprise income tax, there is a "settlement and settlement" at the end of May every year. This is not only an important process for enterprises to calculate whether they have made profits in the previous year, but also the focus of the tax bureau's inspection.
「7」 经过了营改增、金税三期、开票系统晋级,税务机关对发票的检查力度的大,所以老板们千万不要“买发票”,更不要虚开、虚抵发票。
"7" After the increase of business operation, the third issue of gold tax and the promotion of invoicing system, the tax authorities have made great efforts to check invoices. Therefore, bosses should never "buy invoices", let alone make false invoices.
「8」 即便你不想买税控设备,不会用开票系统,也能给客户提供发票,小范围征税人能够申请国税局代开发票。
"8" Even if you don't want to buy tax control equipment, you can provide invoices to customers without using Invoicing system. Small-scale taxpayers can apply for invoicing by the IRS.
「9」 当然也能够购置税控设备,请代账公司帮助做“开票”这个操作。依据开展需求,也能够申请普通征税人,进一步开辟业务,经过进项税额抵扣来少缴税款。
"9" of course can also purchase tax control equipment, ask the agency to help do the "invoicing" operation. According to the development needs, it is also possible to apply for ordinary taxpayers to further develop business and pay less tax through input tax deduction.
「10」 只要普通征税人才干开17%的增值税专用发票,享用进项税额抵扣,而小范围征税人通常只能开3%的增值税普通发票。另外,刚成立的公司就能申请成为普通征税人,所以假如有需求,要尽早申请。
"10" As long as ordinary taxpayers can issue 17% VAT special invoices and enjoy input tax deduction, small-scale taxpayers can usually only issue 3% VAT ordinary invoices. In addition, the newly established company can apply to become an ordinary taxpayer, so if there is a need, it should apply as soon as possible.
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