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发布时间:2019-07-05 14:35:22   点击:0次 来源:http://www.jiuxingkuaiji.com

(1) First think about the market prospects created, and then decide whether to apply for patents.
Since the application for patent pays the application fee and inspection fee, and maintains the annual fee and agency fee of patent, it is worth considering whether the patent applicant can bring economic benefits.
If it is predicted that patents will enter a larger market of products, or that patents can prevent the creation of competitors, the creation of competitors, and the scope of patent protection of enterprises will enter me, then patent application is the right and wise choice.
(2)对所申请项目的性质停止更细致的调 查。
(2) More detailed investigation of the patent nature of the project being applied for shall be stopped.
新的创造或运用需求新颖性和发明性。这些请求与现有技术、现有技术包括国内外文献、本期刊和设计等有关,还包括国内目前技术产业的运用状况,因而对现有技术停止的调 查是非常必要的。
The creation or application of new patents requires novelty and inventiveness. These requests are related to existing technologies, including patent literature at home and abroad, professional journals and designs, as well as the current application of technology industry in China. Therefore, it is necessary to stop a comprehensive investigation of existing technologies.
If the applicant does not want to invest too much time, spirit and money, the patent document should contain the latest technical materials at home and abroad, at least the patent document should be retrieved.
(3) Confidentiality shall be disclosed before application.
如在测试和评价企业内部和外部人员创造的过程参与,这些人员应请求签署失密协议,如别人泄露其内容未经答应,申请人应当提出一个为期6个月后走漏的申请。在有关主管部门国务院或全国性学术会议或学术机构初次公开的技术会议内容的应用下,主办或供认的国际展览会上初次展现中 国政府,应与法24条的规则,在六个月后申请申请。
If they participate in the process of testing and evaluating the creation of internal and external personnel of the enterprise, they should request to sign a confidentiality agreement. If someone else leaks their content without consent, the applicant should submit a patent application that leaks after six months. Under the application of the contents of the first open technical meeting of the State Council or national academic conference or academic institution of the competent department concerned, the Chinese government should apply for patent application after six months in accordance with the rules of Article 24 of the Patent Law for the first time in an international exhibition sponsored or admitted by the government.
(4) Searching for experienced and serving agents.
Because you can't get the essential amendment after submitting the application, the application documents, especially the patent application, will not be able to compensate for the drawbacks that can not be written properly, and may even lead to the rejection of the patent.
In addition, if the request for the scope of patent protection is too small, write down some unnecessary technical features as the scope of protection for independent claims, and the competitors will prevent the patent from being very easy and not constituting infringement. If the scope of patent protection request is too large, it may be that the patent belongs to the scope of patent protection, others can not take it. Patents are granted, even if they are easily invalidated by competitors; and so on.
If you have more questions, please call or leave a message at http://www.jiuxingkuaiji.com. We will answer your questions in time.