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发布时间:2019-09-11 09:52:15   点击:0次 来源:http://www.jiuxingkuaiji.com

  An accountant told me that she was going to work as an accountant in a company next year. Let me introduce you.
  The following are the requirements of our company for current accounting:
  1. 认真核对和确认客户的每笔收款,核对和确认客户的收款情况,准备收款会计凭证,登记应收账款明细。
  1. Verify and confirm every receipt of customers carefully, check and confirm the receipts of customers, prepare receivables accounting vouchers, and register receivables details.
  2. 完成日常应收账款对账工作,及时收集、归档对账数据,必要时与销售人员一起外出。
  2. Complete daily accounts receivable reconciliation work, collect and file reconciliation data in time, and go out with sales staff when necessary.
  3. Provide monthly performance report of customer receivables plan last month and statistical report of this month's receivables plan, and submit detailed receivables analysis report to department heads monthly.
  4. 跟踪金额大、账龄长的应收账款,及时与客户对账,找出原因并汇报给部门主管。
  4. Focus on tracking accounts receivable with large amount and long account age, timely reconciliation with customers, find out the reasons and report to the Department head.
  5. 负责应付账款和预付款的核算和结算
  5. Accounting and settlement of accounts payable and advances
  6. 定期核对应付及预付款项
  6. Regular reconciliation of payments and advances
  7. 分析应付账款的账龄及报销情况
  7. Analysis of the age of accounts payable and reimbursement
  8. 统计每月发票的开、收情况。每月20日前统计各部门主管和总经理的输出和输入项目,并及时补齐输入发票。
  8. Statistics of monthly invoices. The output and input items of the heads of departments and general managers are counted before 20 th of each month, and the input invoices are filled up in time.